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Beth McShane

Make Your Voice Heard on Election Day

Letter to the Editor published in the News & Tribune 9/5/24

Written by Beth McShane

This November, Hoosiers are voting for our freedoms, our families, and our futures. Free elections are an essential principle of our democracy.  Your vote, and mine, help hold politicians accountable, influence policies that affect our everyday lives and help decide how our tax dollars are spent.  It’s so important!

“Strength in numbers” is especially true in voting. High voter turnout makes it more likely that candidates and policies supported by a majority of Hoosiers will win, whereas low voter turnout enables extremist candidates and policies to win, even though they are supported by only a minority of Hoosiers. Just because Indiana is a “red” state now does not mean it’s inevitable it’s to be “red” again this year.  Elections are not determined by popular opinion but by who shows up to vote. Did you know that in 2020 only 61% of Clark County residents who were registered to vote actually voted?  Floyd County did a little better with 68% turnout.  But had only 26% more registered voters shown up to the polls in Indiana and voted for Biden we could have turned this state Blue!  That’s only 1 in 4 people who were registered to vote but did not make it to the polls.

Before election day be sure to research the candidates. Down ballot candidates like Governor, Attorney General, State Representative, County Commissioners and more will all be voted on. In 2020, 12% fewer Hoosiers voted for the Democratic candidate for Governor than President. To bring balance back to Indiana government change is essential. These state and local candidates don’t get as much publicity as the federal candidates but the policies they enact are more likely to affect our everyday lives. So please learn about the people who will be on your ballot this year. Know who the candidates are and what they think about issues important to you. For more information go to Ballotpedia - Indiana Sample Ballot.

Do you know who is an even bigger group than Republicans or Democrats in Indiana and the nation?  It’s the people who don’t vote at all! Nearly 1.9 million eligible Hoosiers voters did not vote in 2020.  Your vote matters and can make a difference. This year please register to vote before the October 7th deadline. Even if you’ve voted before it’s a good idea to check if you’re voter registration status since some voters have been purged. Whether you plan to vote early, on election day, or absentee, make a voting plan to ensure you cast your vote by Election Day. For more information go to

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